Pantone Bridge Set Coated & Uncoated GP6102N
PANTONE COLOR BRIDGE Coated / Uncoated -
Pantone Renk Karşılaştırma Kataloğu Parlak / Mat Kataloğu Yeni 112 Renk ilave renkler dahil.
Pantone Spot (Direkt-Tire) Renklerin CMYK trigromi baskı, RGB ve HTML dijital renk karşığını tek bir katalogda görebildiğimiz bir katalogtur. Tasarım ve Baskı sektöründe profesyonel olarak hizmet verenler için önemli bir kaynaktır. Toplam 1867 adet direkt renk artı 1867 adet cmyk renk kodlaması mevcuttur.
1. Reklamcılar Pantone rengi seçen müşterisine trikromi baskı yapıldığı takdirde renge ne kadar yaklaşılabileceğini veya renkteki değişimi ifade edebilmektedir. Dijital Baskı ve ekran görüntüsü ile ofset trikromi baskı sistemi arasında karşılaştırma imkânı sağlanmış olur.
2. Ters işlemi ile alınmak istenen renk çıktı karşılığı katalogtan seçilir ve Pantone karşılığı programdan kolayca bulunabilir.
- This two-guide set features 1,845 PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM Colors shown side-by-side with their four-color process printed equivalents on both coated and uncoated paper, enabling printers and designers to quickly determine how closely Solid Colors can be matched in CMYK.
- Colors are each displayed along with coordinating numbers and CMYK, sRGB and HTML values so that graphic and web designers can easily translate Solid Colors to their ultimate printed or digital design intent.
- New colors have been added to the front of the guides, allowing designers to easily find 112 new means of inspiration, expression and opportunities for creativity.
- Colors are predominantly arranged chromatically to allow for ease in visually locating color families and ranges.
- Printed colors bleed off both page sides so they can be best analyzed for matching when guide pages are laid on top of printed works during evaluation.
- An index can be found in the back of each guide for easy location of colors by number.
- The convenient fan guide format allows for optimal color scanning and portability.
- Guides are produced on text-weight paper in order to best simulate the most commonly used industry printing substrate.
- A lighting indicator tool can be found at the back of each guide, allowing the user to instantly understand if current lighting conditions are suitable for accurate color evaluation and matching.
- Two-guide set, Coated & Uncoated, demonstrates the effects of printing on coated and uncoated stocks for each color
- 1,845 solid colors and CMYK, HTML/Hex and sRGB values
- Screen tint percentages provided to serve as a starting points for adjusting the color match, if desired
- Substrate: Ink on text-weight paper
- All colors are printed using a uniform ink film thickness, making them easy to match on press
- Broad selection of market-driven colors, for practically unlimited creativity
- PANTONE Colors are internationally recognized for color communication and are globally available
- System supported by worldwide network of Pantone Licensees
- Individual guide size: 1 5/8" x 9 1/4"
- ISBN #: 978-1-590654-03-3
- UPC #: 8 49572 00542 2
- Mailer Dimensions: 4-1/8" x 10-5/8" x 2-1/8"